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Teammate Wanted

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I love to travel.


I have several trips in mind for the next few years, some long some short but most will be filled with potholes, dust, deserts, mountain ranges, baking days, freezing nights, many, many borders (and border guards), cannibals, headhunters and more adventures than you can shake a stick at, ands thats before Dover, so who knows what the rest will of the trip will be like.


I am still looking for a co-driver for some of the future trips (UK to Oz & Central / South America).


Where I have been so far             


Country             Purpose

Austria                Travel & Work

Belgium             Travel & Work

Canada               Travel

Danemark          Travel

Estonia               Travel

Finland               Travel

France                Travel

Germany            Travel & Work

Gibralter             Travel

Holland               Travel & Work

Hungary             Travel

Italy                    Travel

Latvia                 Travel

Lithuania            Travel

Norway               Travel

Poland                Travel

Portugal             Travel

Spain                  Travel

Sweden             Travel & Work

Switzerland        Travel

Tunisia                Travel

UK (England)     Travel & Work

UK (Scotland)     Travel

UK (Wales)        Travel

USA                    Travel



Where I want to go..


             everywhere else..   


To contact us:

Home / Contact

Co-Driver Wanted

Ideal Car


Los Angeles

San Francisco to New Orleans

Seattle to San Francisco


Breda to Turin

Heilbronn to Venice

Washington DC to Key West

Scotland (Ben Nevis)

Southern Europe

Northern Europe

Alps & Hungary

Future- UK to Oz

Future- South America
